Creation of LULU has been spirited by a message from the heart “Be proud of who you are” In life you surround yourself with people that you meet. While some of them will leave, others will come and stay. Filled with memories and experiences, highlights and lowlights, the life provides you with learning moments that transforms you to the person that you are today. Life is busy and demanding, giving too little time to realize how much we already have achieved. Here at LULU we want to take a moment to reflect this for you. We are proud of our experiences and we are proud of who we are, and of who you are. Everyone has its own unique story in life, which by itself deserves some recognition of your and our pride. For your life story, and for others. Therefore, Let Us Love U LULU stands for independence that strengthens your inner power, and wants to share this with you.
Surrounding yourself with the persons that actually matter, will make you the richest in love. My Bikinis all carry names, and these names are the embodiment of the most important female persons in my life. I owe them much gratitude. They made me to who I am.